
बैज का महत्व - Brahma Kumaris Badge Ka Mahatwa

बैज का महत्व - Brahma Kumaris

★ बैज को धारण करना हरदम,इतना भी आसान *नहीं है*
★ ये कोई बाजार मे बिकता, चमकीला सामान *नहीं है*
ईश्वर का आकार है इसमे, ज्योति बिंदु बना *है जिसमें*
★ परमपिता का ये निशान है, इसकी बहुत बड़ी *शान है*
★ पात्र नहीं है इसका जिसको,आचरणों का ध्यान *नहीं है*
★ ये कोई बाजार मे बिकता, चमकीला सामान *नहीं है*
★ बैज तो सेवा बहुत कराता कोई उस पर *ही समझाता*
★ बाबा की मदद मिल जाती, माया उससे *है घबराती*
★ अटेंशन उसको रखना पड़ता, ऐसा वैसा कुछ *नहीं करता*
★ मधुबन का ये बैज लगाना, छोटी मोटी शान *नहीं है*
★ ये कोई बाजार मे बिकता, चमकीला सामान *नहीं है*
★ बैज लगाकर गलती करने, का कोई स्कोप *नहीं है*
★ वही लगा सकता है इसको,जिसमें कोई क्रोध *नहीं है*
★ नम्रता का भाव है जिसमें, संगम का प्रभाव *है जिसमें*
★ कलयुग की दुनिया का जिसको,किसी प्रकार का काम *नहीं है*
★ ये कोई बाजार मे बिकता, चमकीला सामान *नहीं है*
★ पवित्रा का सिम्बल है ये, याद दिलाने का बल *है ये*
★ ओम शांति लिखा है इसपर,बाबा की किरणें है *जिसपर*
★ रॉयल्टी इससे आ जाती, माया भी *इससे घबराती*
★ हरदम बैज लगा रहे तो,बाबा की याद सहज *ही आती*
★ बाबा का बच्चा हूं, इसकी भी पहचान *यही है*
★ ये कोई बाजार मे बिकता, चमकीला सामान *नहीं है*
★ बैज तो बाबा की इज्जत है, अगर लगाने वाले मे *सिद्दत है*
★ ज्ञान मार्ग मे ठीक चल रहे, बाबा से ही यहाँ *पल रहे*
★ कोई भी अभिमान नहीं है, ऐसा वैसा काम *नहीं है*
★ सबकी नजर रहती है उस पर, बैज लगा होता *है जिसपर*
★ डिस सर्विस हो जाती है, अगर इसपर ध्यान *नहीं है*
★ ये कोई बाजार मे बिकता, चमकीला सामान *नहीं है*
★ कोई कमी अगर रह जाती, वो अंदर से मन *को खाती*
★ बैज लगाने वाली आत्मा, अपनी नजरों में *गिर जाती*
★ सारी दुनिया जान गई है, बैज को अब पहचान *गई है*
★ उनकी नजर बहुत तेज है,चेक करने का सही *गेज है*
★ बिना बैज के ही ठीक है, अगर कोई उत्थान *नहीं है*
★ ये कोई बाजार में बिकता, चमकीला सामान *नहीं है*
*ओम शांति*

Spiritual Significance Of Dussehra(Vijay Dashmi) - Brahma Kumaris

 Spiritual Significance Of Dussehra - Brahma Kumaris

Happy Vijayadashmi

आज दशहरा के इस पावन पर्व पर हम सभी एक प्रतिज्ञा स्वयं से और पिता परमात्मा से अवश्य करें कि हम अपने अंदर छिपे सभी आसुरी अवगुणों को नष्ट करके ही रहेंगे और हमारी यही दृढ़ता हमें जीवन के लक्ष्य तक पहुंचाएगी...

एक बार पुनः आप सभी को विजया दशमी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं...

विजया दशमी के विशेष दिवस पर आज मुरली क्विज़ और मनन चिंतन प्रश्न की छुट्टी रहेगी......

Do Enjoy

Brahma Kumaris wishes you all a very Happy Dussehra. May the light of truth brighten your life with happiness, peace and prosperity.

Every second of our life is a chance to choose our true sanskaras over falsehoods. By allowing our godliness to triumph every time, we are not only celebrating Vijayadashami within our consciousness, but also demonstrating to the world how the truth is always victorious.
We wish you all a very Happy and truthful Dusshera.

The festival #Dussehra or #Vijayadashami celebrates the #Victory of good over evil. Ravan is the personification of evil. The 10 heads of Ravan #represent 10 vices in us - lust/desire, anger, greed, attachment, ego, jealousy, hatred, deceit, stubbornness, laziness. Ravan could be killed only when hit at his navel, #symbolizing that we can #win over vices upon finishing 'body-consciousness'.

Dussehra - Finish Your Ego
BK Shivani explains how the 10 heads of Ravan represent 10 vices or weaknesses present within us, and how we can finish them with lifestyle disciplines.

Dussehra - Finish Your Ego (by BK Shivani)

Have the awareness of true nature of the soul and make effort to remove your demonic traits and celebrate as you conqure your weakness.
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Negative Effects Of Social Media On Students Academic Performance

Effects Of Social Media On Students Academic Performance

Out of the many things to distract students today, a key one is social media platforms, which are used now by more than 2 billion users worldwide. 

They feel attracted to them due to their ease-of-use, sharing features and ability to reach out to people in distant locations instantly.  

Social media plays a huge role in the lives of the present generation. Be it Facebook, snapchat, twitter, Tiktok or Instagram, you will always find youngsters in at least one of these social media sites. The craze of followers, uploads, etc. has become a rage. Needless to say, social media has become a part of life, a way of living altogether. 

Impact Of Social Media On Society

Over the years, intensive research has been carried out all over the world in regards to the effect that social media has on youngsters, especially in terms of their academic performance. 

Social media is distracting and time-consuming. Students spend hours on social networking sites, ignoring their studies altogether. The rapid growth in the usage of social media among students has been associated with their declining academic performance. 

Are You Addicted To Internet/Social Media?

Please come to our Brahma Kumaris center, find center nearest to your home and attend class. We hope, you will definitely be fine again.

What are the negative effects of social media on students?

Is social media a boon?

Social media, with its suitability and usability, is among the most trustworthy tools of communication among students.

Many researchers have carried out several experiments to determine the effects of social media on a student’s academic performance but the results have always been mixed. 

The internet is used for the purpose of teaching in classrooms, for encouraging critical thinking, and an open line of debate and dialogue. Social media promotes awareness, and thorough communication. It is essential to ensure a comprehensive structure of education and social media helps greatly in it. Students are exposed to a wide range of opinions and are taught how to sift through the tirade. 

However, for all its numerous advantages, social media has had a negative impact on the academic performance of students. Many of the prevailing problems affecting the youth originate from social media. 

However, they have an extremely negative impact on student's academic performance.

Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites for Students

How Can Social Media Negatively Affect Students Academic Performance?

A major cultural and lifestyle change has been brought about due to social media. Listed below are some of the negative impacts of social media and how they affect a student’s academic performance:

Students who take to social media sites spend hours chatting, exchanging information, sharing photos, videos etc., which  they can otherwise spend in completing homework or understanding their subject further through additional studying

Spending long hours in social media platforms either through the small screen of a Smartphone or the larger one of a Notebook, Netbook Or Laptop, strains the eyes, reduces mental focus and concentration, causes backbone problems which can lead to severe health issues and ultimately affects academic performance

Going to bed right after spending time on a social media site affects sleep, can lead to insomnia which can intern cause physical stress, depression and also unhappy state of mind, that prevents students from putting the effort needed to score well in exams

Students can very easily get into the bad habit of making companions with others, indulge in drugs and alcohol which is glamourized in social media sites, indulge unnecessary in shopping by viewing too many product advertisements and also become very attention seeking

Students lacking parental guidance or having problems at home focus on social media platforms to satisfy their emotional needs for love and friendship which can become dangerous when they come in contact with destructive people. Furthermore, social media likes, shares and other such statistics can make them attention seeking

By using social media for communication, students lack interaction with people by meeting in person and as a result they lack the maturity and communication desired from their age group, which in the long run proves to be highly detrimental

While social media platform offer easy access to new friends, they can also lead students to predators who like to victimize such young people. A naïve student can actually give out all personal information in such sites to a total stranger pretending to be a teacher or someone in the same school and get into a lot of trouble 

At times, student groups in social media sites can pass on incorrect information on what to study for a particular test or exam, which can negatively affect scores and bring in poor grades for not just one, but many students at the same time

Students need more than just text book curriculum, they need to research and also need a good amount of physical exercise by involvement in games, sports  and extra curricular learning like music, dance etc., but when they spend an increasing amount of time in social media platforms, such involvement comes down significantly

Internet addiction: students tend to spend a huge portion of their time browsing through innumerable social media sites. Time which could have been used in a productive manner is wasted on social media. Students also tend to compromise on the time that they should have ideally dedicated to studies.

Social isolation: social media has greatly reduced interactive sessions among students from different walks of life. Earlier, students would go out to parks, hobby centers, etc. and interact with fellow students. However, with the advent of social media, this has seen a setback. Social isolation has led to increasing dependence on social media, which in turn has an adverse impact on a student’s academic performance.

Lingual deficiencies: The social media world has a different lingo altogether. Students who spend a lot of time on social media naturally tend to adopt this language. Use of colloquialism, abbreviations, and slang are common. This not only reduces their linguistic skills but also hampers their writing skills and creativity. 

Social media, thus, is extremely distracting and has a direct impact on the academic performance of students. It is like a two-edged swords and prudence is required in its operation. 

Schools and parents must teach the children under their care to use social media judiciously and to not let it hamper academic performance and extracurricular growth. 

The Effects Of Social Media On Mental Health

Manage Your Life With Positive Attitude

By blogging, making videos and sharing them, preparing creatively edited photos and posting them, students are becoming more interested in entertainment than showing sound academic performance through diligent study and hard-work, which not only show poor results in exams but also will affect their future career prospects. 

So, Students should manage their lives with positive attitude. The New Delhi education minister started a happiness class in every government schools of Delhi and students are getting benefited from the same. I think, each and every school should have such classes and activities.

Positive effects of social media on students

How to USE Social Media in a Positive Way?

Hence though students should know how to use various social media sites, it is vital for them to limit their usage of it in order to develop a good personality, maintain good health and keep regularly showing good academic performance.  We does not mean that social media will spoil student's career. We just mean that, everything is become addiction when you do not use them in a proper way.

Social media is the great development of science and it has great impact on media industry. But people who are addicted in these media, whose Academic performance can suffer. If you are not using in a positive manner, it can obviously harm your life.

Positive Effect of Social Media

What are the advantages of social media to students?

Develop Communication Skills

Get Information


Develop reading and social skills

Enhancing Skills


Share Information, Online Live Classes

Fastest Information Sharing

Build Network on the same interest

Social Media benefits

Develop Good Relationships

Provide Information

News and Media

Business Promotion and Reduce your marketing cost

Great Customer Engagement

Motivate Yourself by following positive news and media

There are many pros of social media also, but you have to use it in a positive manner. It is fully depend on you that whom you are going to follow in your social media dashboard, Positive or negative? Because our mind is like horse which you must control, otherwise, it can harm you.

I had written a post that Should Facebook be banned in School? You can read this post. I was very surprised to see an incident in the school in which a student wrote bad words in social media for his teacher. That is why I thought to post an informative post for all peoples to understand the importance of social media and its use.

Are You Addicted To Internet/Social Media?

Please come to our Brahma Kumaris center, find center nearest to your home and attend class. We hope, you will definitely be fine again.

Related Post:

I am sharing some wonderful videos for children and parents:

Are You Addicted To Social Media?

Change Negative Scenes Into Positive - Negative To Positive Thinking

Can we change negative scenes into positive?

Yes, we have an inbuilt power in our soul to change it. But due to low power, we could not able to do that and keep spreading negativity in the environment. We did not know that it spreads pollution in the environment. 

Negative Attitude - Impure Souls

1 - Never Say Sorry Even when they are guilty

2- Blame Others for their mistakes

3 - Think They are at the center of the universe

4 - Only Think About themselves

5 - Secretly hope Others fail

Change Negative Scenes Into Positive - Recharge Your Soul

When we recharge our soul daily basis by positive activities like morning meditation, reading spiritual books, morning walk, be in silence in the morning, physical exercises etc, then our mind starts working positively and make even negative scenes into positive.

Do we know? When we think one negative thought, it started creating disease in our body. We know that, when we think anything,  it generates energy and spreads in the environment. If any people think negative all the day, they are creating negative energy. 

The most important thing, this negative energy first of all goes to our brain and creates cause for many diseases. It damages many things in brain. Brain itself controls the whole body. Even brain will not work properly, it will send this negative energy to all parts of the body. It will become the big reasons for many types of diseases. That is why we need to be very positive, create positive thoughts and beautiful thinking.

Example of positive thoughts and beautiful thinking:

I am ever healthy - Every time remind your mind that I am ever healthy.

I am a pure, powerful, ever happy, peaceful soul.

So, We have to work on ourselves first. We are very busy all the time and never talk to ourselves that what do I want? So, convert very busy into very easy.

Change Negativity Into Positivity

Take Small Break

So, We need to take a small break for a minute or two and started talking to ourselves and give a series of positive thoughts to ourselves. By this way, all negative thoughts will be replaced by positive thoughts and it will stable our mind. 

When we start over thinking, our mind is hanged and we could not able to decide anything properly. So good decision making skills, we need to keep our mind cool, concentrated and full of positive thoughts. After only, our intellect will perform in a positive manner.

Turning a negative into a positive examples

Spreading Peace To Everyone

In Office or somewhere, we have to take a break for a moment and say to yourself - I am a peaceful being, my real nature is peace, I am spreading this peace to everyone around me like employees, family members etc and giving peace to them. 

Overcoming negative thoughts

This is the simple tips to change our thoughts from negative to positive and make our and others mind peaceful. We need to be peaceful and spread peaceful vibrations to others. 

We have to spread peace only to everyone, even if I am not receiving peace from others. This small meditation practice will keep our mind peaceful all the day. The same can be done for one or two minute every hour.



With your pure and elevated vibrations, change negative scenes into positive.

We need to work on our vibrations, need to check every time - do we have any negative thoughts in our mind? From checking, we could be able to make our thoughts positive. If, we can keep this record in written also. When we write our goal, it will send clear instructions to our mind and mind executes them. It will make our thoughts pure and elevated.

Positive Attitude - Elevated Vibrations - Pure Thoughts

1 - Apologize for their mistakes

2 - Aren't Afraid To Take Responsibility

3 - Are Always Ready to Help Others

4 - Think About Other's Need

5 - Want Others to Succeed

How to turn a negative situation into a positive one: Case Studies

Case Studies: We Can Turn Scenes Negative to Positive - #Scene 1 :

Negative Scene: Suppose, a man is full of waste thoughts now and tries to stop and overcome negative thoughts and could not able to do that. He is feeling so difficult to remove waste thoughts that time.

Positive Scene: He needs to increase his concentration power and learn the art of speaking to his mind with love. He has to talk to his mind with love and affection. Because mind is like child. Then He could be able to free himself from waste thoughts. Mind wants love. Meditate for a minute and he should talk to his mind. Be in remembrance of high and powerful words for your mind like say to your mind : “YOU ARE A POWERFUL SOUL”,  “YOU ARE A LOVELY AND PEACEFUL SOUL”. This type of powerful thoughts will finish your waste thoughts.

#Scene 2:

Negative Scene: A person is feeling tension after coming under pressure and negative situation.  A challenging situation comes and he was in pressure. Generally, people started feeling tension when such situation comes.

Positive Scene: When this person is calm and cool, he makes the right decisions. That is why it is told that never make any decisions when you are in tension, angry or any other opposite situations. We are a child of GOD and GOD is ever peaceful. Child has become like his Father. The real nature of the human is peace only. But due to opposite circumstances,  human feels anger or discomfort. In this negative scene,  he needs to experience the inner state of calm and clear all thinking. It will enable him to make the right decisions.

#Scene 3:

Negative Scene: A Person who is in need and he is helpless and always spread feelings that he is unhappy and in sorrow and wants happiness from others. In such situations, it is very difficult for that person to create positive thoughts.

Positive Scene: The real mercy is that which takes care of that person and supports him with positive vibrations, kindness, joy and happiness. If we become happy, others will become happy automatically to see this vibrations. If I am happy in negative situation of our life, we can heal our mind and maintain calm & peace of our mind. And, in calm mind, we can be able to take right decisions.

#Scene 4: 

Negative Scene: A Person who expects from their family a lot and when it is not fulfilled, he was disappointed.

Positive Scenes: So, Friends, what is the reason that we have expectations from others? What did you receive? Happiness or sorrow? So, Why should I expect anything from others? Although it is giving sorrow. We do not have to keep any single expectation from others. And be like deity(Devi-Devta). Deity always gives you and never expect anything from you. Always gives others and never ask anything from others. 

#Scene 5:

Negative Scene: Today I decide I will remain happy at any cost and give everyone the same. But as soon as I face a difficult situation or problem, it takes very little time for me to start worrying and radiating the same energy to others. Also, on another day I have an aim in my life that I will keep only good wishes for others. But as soon as I have to face a negative behavior of someone, I lose the love inside my heart and not only think negatively about the other person but also speak against the person to others. This spoils my relationships.

Positive Scenes: So, these and many more are benchmarks which we keep in our mind and try and reach upto, throughout the day and everyday. Sometimes we are successful in doing so and sometimes are unable to do so. What is the reason for this? Are we not nice people at heart, all of us? Of course, some are nicer. But, according to spiritual wisdom, everyone is nice originally and basically. And also, everyone, at some point of time in their lives, want to be nice people. Some are serious in bringing about the niceness in their lives and natures and some think about the change towards becoming nicer but do not bring it in their personality with determination. Are we Television? And, it's remote is in another hand. They are operating me. No! So friends, we have our remote in my hand and always keep it with you. No body can control you. You are having your own sanskara(impression, habit). The other person is an angry man and this is a disease. Are you also an angry man? Do you have also the same disease? We have to think and give attention on it. You can check the below BK Shivani's video to understand more about this.

#Scene 6:

Negative Scene: I am not healthy, I am ill. I am feeling so sick and weak. I could not able to live more. I am going to die.

Positive Scenes: Nothing is bad than these thoughts. These are the sign of negativity within us. According to spiritual knowledge, this is the time of kalyuga(kalah yuga), everywhere is sorrow and vibration of violence, noise, sin etc. In this vibration, GOD says, you have to become lotus and living life like lotus(lotus in the mud). It is natural to create such negative thoughts and these negative thoughts will let you die.

#Scene 7:

Negative Scene: You are living with your family and your family is not listening you. You have to do the same which your family told you to do. They do not listen you at any cost. What should you do now?

Positive Scenes: See, take this situation positively. Never think negative at any cost. Because, there is a devil sitting on our mind, who will ask you to think negative and play blame game. You have a choice, weather, you think positive or negative. Negative thinking and blaming others will give you sorrow only. You can experience it. Now, think like that, this is an examination of lives, in which you have to pass with gold medal. My family is not my enemy. They still think, I am a child. And, I am thinking, I am growing. I can take my own decision. But family is family. I am always a child for my family. I have to give respect to my family at any cost, in any situation. I have to prove myself in my family. And make the strong situations in your family. So that your family is proud of you and believe on you. See, now the situation is under control and the dice is upon your hand. Now, you have the same family, but they listen to you now. Friends, all is about the mind game. So, never feel low at any situation. Positivity, positive vibrations always work.

#Scene 8:

Negative Scene: You are working in a government or any other office where corruption(bhrashtrachaar) is at its peak, you are very honest person. How can you save yourself and spread the vibration of peace, positivity and courtesy(shreshtraachaar). What are some preventive measures of corruption?

Positive Scenes: You are very honest person and you are working in a government or private office where peoples are corrupted. You are not feeling good there. Now you have be so strong enough to change the society. You are like Incense stick(agarbatti) where you have to spread the Fragrance without giving attention on the bad smells. Practice the Rajyoga meditation in any Brahma Kumaris centre and become strong. Give self-respect(swaman) quote, "I am strong, powerful, peaceful soul", "I am a fragrant Incense stick". Always understand yourself a king. You can change everyone. Stick on your rules, one day everyone will start behaving according to you and also following you. These are some preventive measures of corruption. Change yourself, the world will be changed. Hope, this helps. Thank you.

Now if we have to become lotus then we have to make our mind so strong so that no body is able to put their effect on our mind. By my experience, I will tell to everyone that practice the Rajyoga meditation(GOD's saying) to make your mind strong. GOD says to practice this. You can learn the rajyoga meditation online. Rajyoga will teach you that how to control your mind and create positive thoughts to overcome negative thoughts at the critical time when you need this most. Everything is dependent upon our thoughts. We are ill, our body is not well, what about we(souls). We are all souls. Both are different. We can create positive thoughts that I am an strong soul. I am the strong and peaceful children of GOD. No body can defeat the Godly child. These kind of thoughts will help you to become healthy soon. This is the practical experience of mine. When you practice this meditation, you will learn to create only positive thoughts in any situation of lives.

WHY POSITIVE THINKING ? | सकारात्मक सोच का जादू .... Awakening with Brahma Kumaris

THINK RIGHT No Matter What: BK Shivani at Silicon Valley, Milpitas (English)

अब हर बीमारी को ठीक करना होगा आसान... 5 Mintues Motivation | Brahma Kumaris | BK Suraj

Karam Karte Samay Swaman Me Rahe

*सुबह आँख खुलते ही!

*• बाबा को गुड़मॉर्निंग*

*• सुबह का आदि काल अमृतवेला… बाबा की यादों में*

• ब्रश करते… मैं आत्मा इस शरीर रूपी रथ को साफ कर रही हूँ

• स्नान करते… मैं इस मन्दिर को साफ कर रही हूँ, जिसमें बाबा की अति प्रिय देवता मूर्ति (मैं आत्मा) विराजमान है!

*अगर विशेष तैयार होना हो*

• बिंदी लगाते… आत्मिक स्मृति का तिलक

• रूहानी शीतल दृष्टि

• यदि मेकअप करना पड़े… हर्षितमुखता की लाली

• रूहानी मुस्कान की लिपस्टिक

• कुंडल पहनते… Hear no evil, मैं कुछ गलत नहीं सुनूंगी

• इत्र लगाते… दिव्यगुणों के वाइब्रेशन की स्मृति

• सैट पहनते… गुणों की स्मृति

• ईश्वरीय मर्यादाओं का कंगन

• परमात्म प्रेम की अंगूठी

• ड्रेस धारण करते… देवता रूप की ड्रेस

• आईना देखते… मन का मुखड़ा देख ले प्राणी, जरा दर्पण में!

*बाहर निकलते*

• बैग उठाते… सभी ज्ञान के पॉइंट कार्यक्षेत्र पर ले जाना

• शूलेस टाइट करते… अपना आज का लक्ष्य पक्का करना

• घर से बाहर निकलते… बाबा के साथ जाना

• लिफ्ट में… मुझे सबकी दुआओं की भी लिफ्ट मिली है, सेवा भी भाग्य की लिफ्ट है

• चाबी से वाहन शुरू करते… मेरा बाबा, सर्व खज़ानों की चाबी है!

• कार चलाते… मैं डबल ड्राइवर हूँ, स्थूल कार और शरीर दोनों को चलाता हूँ… बाबा के गीत सुनते

• सिग्नल पर… अपने मन की गति को भी धीरे करे, ट्रेफिक कंट्रोल!

• किसी के घर जाने के पहले चप्पल उतारते… देह-भान उतारना

*सेन्टर जाते*

• जाते… मैं बाबा के घर जा रही हूँ

• आते… मैं सेवा-स्थान आ रही हूँ

• बाबा की रूम में… दिल से बाबा से बातें करे

• मुरली सुनते… देखे, बाबा मुरली सुनाते हुए (और भी कई अभ्यास है)

• सबको देखते… यह बड़ा सुन्दर ईश्वरीय परिवार है

*व्यायाम करते*

• Walking करते… बाबा के हाथों में हाथ

• Exercise करते… मन को भी ऎसे flexible करना है

• सांसो का व्यायाम… बाबा ने मुझे नया जीवन, जियदान दिया है

• धड़कन का आवाज… मुझे अपने समय-श्वास को सफल करना है


• कार्य शुरू करने से पहले… बाबा का आह्वान

• कार्य समाप्त करने के बाद… थैंक्स बाबा!

• कार्य करते हुए… बाबा मेरे साथ है, मैं बाबा के साथ combined हूँ

• कंप्यूटर पर कार्य करते… मैं आँखों द्वारा देख, हाथों द्वारा कर्म कर रही हूँ

• बीच-बीच में… बाबा से बातें

• मीटिंग से पहले… सब आत्माओं से मिलना है

• सैलरी मिलते… बाबा ने मुझे कितना अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों से भरपूर किया है!

• प्रोमोशन मिलते… बाबा ने भी मुझे, कहाँ से कहाँ पहुँचा दिया है

*घर-काम करते*

• यह बाबा का घर है

• बच्चें संभालते… यह बाबा के बच्चे है

• झाडू़ लगाते… मन को भी पुरानी बातों से साफ करना

• कपड़े मशीन में डालते… बाबा भी मुत पलिती कपड़ धोते, मुझ आत्मा को साफ करते

• बर्तन साफ करते… यह शिवबाबा के भण्डारे की सेवा है

• पानी भरते… बाबा मुझे शक्तियों से भर रहे है, पानी भी चार्ज हो रहा है

• पानी / दूध पीते… बाबा मुझे रोज़ ज्ञान अमृत / दूध पिलाते

• घड़ी देखते… समय बहुत कम है

• सब्जी खरीदते… सतयुग में सबकुछ श्रेष्ठ होगा

• पैसे देते… सतयुग में सबकुछ free होगा

• दूध खरीदते… सतयुग में गाएं भी फ़र्स्ट-क्लास होगी

• लाइन में खड़े… मुझे अन्त में पश्चाताप के बजाए, प्राप्ति-स्वरूप की लाइन में रहना है

• गीत-संगीत का आवाज सुनते… बाबा की यादों में रहना है

• TV पर peace of mind देखते… सूक्ष्मवतन के TV में बाबा मुझे देख रहे है

• किसी के लड़ाई-झगड़े का आवाज… 1 मिनट बैठ शान्ति शुभ-भावनाओं का दान देेना

• यदि विश्व में कोई जगह विशेष आवश्यकता हो… पावरफुल सकाश देना

सारा दिन

• सेवा करते… बाबा करन-करावनहार है

• गैस on करते… बाबा के योग को अग्नि भी चालू

• भोजन बनाते… बाबा की पवित्र किरणें इसमें पड़ रही है

• मीठी चीज़ बनाते… बाबा मुझे रोज़ गरम-हलवा मुरली खिलाते

• भोजन करने से पहले… बाबा को भोग लगाना

• भोजन देखते… मैं परम पवित्र आत्मा हूँ

• भोजन मुख में डालने से पहले… बाबा ने आज क्या कहा

• भोजन करते… मैं आत्मा बाबा को खिला रही हूँ, बाबा मुझे खिला रहे हैं

• वार्तालाभ करते… मैं आत्मा से बात कर रही हूँ, कानों द्वारा सुन रही हूँ

• ट्रेफिक कंट्रोल… मन को बिल्कुल शान्त करना

• संकल्पों पर Attention

• ज्ञान का विचार सागर मंथन

• रेस्ट करते… बाबा सिर में massage कर रहे है

• आराम करते… बाबा पैर भी दबाते हैं

*मोबाइल use करते*

• यह साधन मुझे सेवा-अर्थ मिला हैं… साधना को इस पर आधारित नहीं करना है

• रिंग बजते… आत्मा का फोन है

• फोन करते… आत्मा को फोन कर रही हूं

• चार्ज करते… मुझे अपने को भी चार्ज करना है, बाबा की याद से

• Email आया तो… बाबा भी मुझे रोज़ प्रेम-पत्र मुरली भेजते

• Message आया तो… बाबा ने मुझे आज क्या मैसेज दिया है?

• सेवा-अर्थ whatsapp... बाबा मेरे लिए सदा online रहते हैं

• सेवा-अर्थ facebook… बाबा ही मेरा सच्चा खुदा दोस्त है

*प्रकृति देखते*

• पेड़… बाबा ने हमें कितना अच्छा कल्प-वृक्ष का ज्ञान दिया है

• फूल… मैं आत्मा खुशबूदार फूल हूँ

• फल… मुझे सेवा का प्रत्यक्षफल खाना है, नाम-मान-शान का कच्चा फल नहीं

• पक्षी… मैं भी आत्म-पंछी हूँ

• पशु… सतयुग में जानवार भी सम्पूर्ण-स्वच्छ फ़र्स्ट-क्लास होंगे

• धरती… मुझे धरती-समान दाता बनना है

• आकाश… मुझे भी आकाश समान विशाल बनना है

• सूर्य… बाबा भी ज्ञान सूर्य है

• चंद्रमा… मुझे भी ज्ञान-चंद्रमा ब्रह्मा-बाबा समान सम्पूर्ण बनना है

• सितारे… मैं आत्मा लक्की ज्ञान-सितारा हूँ

*शाम को*

• नुमाशाम को… बाबा की powerful याद!

• लाइट-fan की स्विच on करते… कोई भी एक श्रेष्ठ स्मृति की स्विच ऑन

• लाइट on करते… बाबा ने मेरा जीवन ज्ञान-रौ से प्रकाशित कर दिया है

• Fan on करते… मैं बाबा का fan हूँ!

*सोते समय*

• चार्ट लिखते के बाद… देखे, बाबा को चार्ट देते हुए

• नाइट-ड्रेस पहनते… फरिश्ता रूप की ड्रेस

• AC करते… बाबा की याद भी शीतल ठण्डक है

• बिस्तर तैयार करते… बाबा भी सूक्ष्मवतन में मेरा bed तैयार कर रहे हैं

• लेटते हुए… यह शरीर को गैरेज में रख, मैं आत्मा उड़ चली अपने घर!

• सोना… बाबा की गोद में, बाबा मेरे सिर पर हाथ फेर रहे हैं

तो चलिए आज सारा दिन… हर कर्म में बाबा के ज्ञान-योग को जोड़कर, सदा योगयुक्त स्थिति में स्थित शान्ति, प्रेम, आनंद से भरपूर रहे… जिससे औरों को भी प्राप्ति-प्रोत्साहन मिलता, और हम साथ में सतयुग स्थापन करने के निमित्त बन जाएंगे… ओम शान्ति!


विश्वकर्मा की विशेषता क्या है और आध्यात्मिक रहस्य क्या है? - Brahma Kumaris

 विश्वकर्मा की विशेषता क्या है और आध्यात्मिक रहस्य क्या है

_पौराणिक कथा_
_आदि काल से ही विश्वकर्मा शिल्पी अपने विशिष्ट ज्ञान एवं विज्ञान के कारण ही न मात्र मानवो अपितु देव गणों द्वारा पूजित और वंदित है भगवान विश्वकर्मा के अविष्कार एवं निर्माण कार्यो के संदर्भ में इन्द्र पुरी यम पुरी वरूण पुरी कुबेर पुरी पाडण्व पुरी सुदामा पुरी आदि का निर्माण इनके द्वारा ही किया गया है पुष्पक विमान का निर्माण व सभी देवो के भवन और दैनिक उपयोगी होने वाली वस्तुऐ भी इनके द्वारा ही बनाया गया है कान के कुंण्डल विष्णु भगवान का सुर्दशन चक्र शंकर भगवान का त्रिशुल और यम राज का काल दण्ड इत्यादि वस्तुओं का निर्माण भगवान विश्वकर्मा ने ही किया भगवान विश्वकर्मा ने ब्रह्मा जी की उत्पत्ति करके उन्हें प्राणी मात्र का सृजन करने का वरदान दिया और उनके द्वारा 84 लाख योनियों को उत्पन्न किया श्री विष्णु भगवान की उत्पत्ति कर उन्हें जगत में उत्पन्न सभी प्राणियों की रक्षा और भरण पोषण का कार्य सौप दिया प्रजा का ठीक सुचारु रूप से पालन और हुकुमत करने के लिए एक अत्यंत शक्ति शाली तीव्र गामी सुर्दशन चक्र प्रदान किया बाद में संसार के प्रलय के लिए एक अत्यंत दयालु भोले बाबा भोले नाथ श्री शंकर भगवान की उत्पत्ति की उन्हें डमरु कमण्डल त्रिशूल आदि प्रदान कर उनके ललाट पर प्रलय कारी तिसरा नेत्र भी प्रदान कर दिया और उन्हें प्रलय की शक्ति देकर शक्ति शाली बनाया यथा अनुसार इनके साथ इनकी देवियाँ खजाने की आधिपति माँ लक्ष्मी राग रागिनी वाली वीणावादिनी माँ सरस्वती और मा गौरी को देकर देवो को सुशोभित किया।_

_इसका आध्यात्मिक रहस्य है कि सारे विश्र की उत्पत्ति करने वाले व सभी मानव मात्र की उत्पत्ति करने वाले व जितने भी जीव है सभी की रचना स्वंय हमारे निराकार शिव बाबा ने की है वो सारे संसार के कर्ता धर्ता है उन्हें ही भक्ति मार्ग में विश्वकर्मा के नाम से जाना जाता है और शिव बाबा एक साधारण मनुष्य के तन में प्रवेश करते हैं और उनका नाम ब्रह्मा रखते हैं और ब्रह्मा के द्वारा ही ब्राह्मण रचे जाते हैं और फिर ब्राह्मण ही देवी देवता बनते हैं और ब्रह्मा ही विष्णु बनते हैं और संगम पर सारे शस्त्र मिलते है लेकिन वो ज्ञान के आधार पर जैसे ज्ञान का शंख ज्ञान का तीसरा नेत्र सुर्दशन चक्र मतलब स्वयं का दर्शन और चारो युगों का दर्शन और शिव बाबा के पास जो भी था सब ब्रह्मा बाबा को दिया ब्रह्मा बाबा के द्वारा हम बच्चों को मिला ब्रह्मा ही विष्णु बनते है और ब्रह्मा के साथ मम्मा को दिखाया है जो जगदम्बा सरस्वती है उन्हें भक्ति मार्ग में अनेक नामो से पुकारते है और जो तेतीस कोटी देवी देवताओ की महिमा गायी जाती है वो हम सब बच्चे ही अपने पुरुषार्थ के द्वारा बनते हैं।_

_सारे विश्व के सृजन करने वाले व भरण पोषण करने वाले एक शिव बाबा ही है जो ब्रह्मा बाबा को निमित्त बनाकर उनके द्वारा सारा कार्य करवाते हैं।_
_शिव बाबा ही विश्वकर्मा है यानि सारे संसार को चलाने वाले एक शिव बाबा ही है जिन्हें विश्वकर्मा नाम से पुकारते है और पूजा भी करते है।_

💖💗💖 ओम् शांति

Positive And Negative Effect Of Online Video Games On Student Academic Performance

Students love to play online games and most are very adept in getting through some of the most complex games, winning them step by step and becoming a champion. 

There is no problem with simply playing videos games till when you are not addicted to this. Addiction of playing video games becomes disorder. But, who will tell you that you are addicted. Your parents or your friends? When we are addicted to anything, we could not able to feel ourselves. Your parents or good friend will tell you the same upon watching your behave.

Effect of online games to academic performance

From this post, I want to help all people, parents, friends who are anxious from playing video games online and want help. Who can help? Obviously GOD! Their parents are asking help from the GOD. I know one family in which a younger daughter have been addicted of PUBG game and her parents are crying to see this. They are praying to GOD that O! GOD! Please save my child. Whenever they tell to their child not to play video game and concentrate on study, the child started fighting with them. They are fedup with her and came to our Brahma Kumaris Centre and asking for help. I will tell you below that How Brahma Kumaris teacher helped them in this case.

Now a days, in this Kaliyuga, lot of peoples are getting addicted to online video games like PUBG or social media like Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. And day by day, mental diseases are increasing. I think, in each home, there is one mental patient, you will find. Each day, we read news related to video games addiction disorder in newspaper. The case of mental diseases, suicide, depression, divorce, violence, family violence and murder are increasing day by day from this video games disorder. That is why, WHO(World Health Organization) decided to put this video games addiction to official mental disorder in 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Here is the official link:

Video Game Addiction Becomes Official Mental Disorder in Controversial Decision by WHO

What kind of an impact do these games have on students? 

Let’s look at the positive as well as negative impact of online games on students.

Video Games Addiction Recovery Tips
Video Games Addiction Recovery Tips

Positive Effects of Video Games

Online games teach students how to think logically as they have to analyze the given game problem and work out a solution. They have to think in a step wise way to win a particular game level which increases their ability to derive solutions for academic problems in the same way.

Students who regularly play online games learn to mange computer very adeptly as they get used to a sophisticated screen in which they are posed questions, asked to choose from a set of answers, learn browsing, login tasks, dexterously use the mouse pointer to complete tasks etc. Hence when they take to the real computer screen very confidently and easily find their way through it. 

Some computer games can actually teach students tasks such as gardening, CPR, math calculations, scientific experiments, puzzle solving, first aid and other such important activities which can be useful suddenly in a real time scenario. By finding their way through a complex game, their mind can develop to solve a similar mathematical or scientific problem in the same way

Since information is presented to the student in a fun way, they find learning easy and are able to quickly absorb important matter than when the same is read from a textbook or even written in the classroom blackboard. It also brings out innate creativity which can lead to various types of improvements in their personality.

Research reveals that children with attention deficit disorder perform better, learner faster and feel confident by playing online games regularly.  As they have to focus on the game sequence, memory and concentration increases which in turn helps them to better interact and learn from the society around them.

Negative effect of online games to academic performance

Negative Health Effects Of Video Games

Online games can negatively impact students by making them addicted to game playing. Such can become their mental and emotional dependence on online game play that even a single day cannot go without playing. Such is the hold of the games that students spend hours playing them rather than concentrating on studies or completing their homework.

Violent themed games can actually cause a lot of mental depression, move a person towards agony and also develop negative feelings and emotions, which can lead to behavioral problems in school as well as in the friends circle.

Playing online games for hours results in poor eyesight, back pain, neck problems and other related health issues. It can also cause a person to need the thrill of a playing a game to get over emotional problems. Instead of meeting with people, making friends and getting to know one another better, lots of time is spent alone in playing thrilling games, isolating the person from society.  Apart from this, worsen learning ability, concentration problem, poor academic performance and decreased interaction, physically weak.

Watch Video Games Addiction Video

16-Year-Old In MP Dies While Playing PUBG

About PUBG Mobile Game And Why Is It Important To Avoid It? 

Out of the many multiplayer online games, a very important one that is highly popular with the young crowd is PUBG or Player’s Unknown battleground.  

The attractive environment is the reason why children get interested in so much.  The game revolves around hundred players with guns who have to keep playing till only one is left standing. It’s a violent game, one that builds emotions on vengeance and hatred. 

PUBG Mobile Game

Such is the addictive nature  of this game that a large number of children take to it but without thinking how such continuous gaming will affect their mental and physical well being. 

It is available on both iOS and Android platforms due to which it can be easily accessed. However with the huge outcry against its negative impact of children in India and China, steps have been out in place to have  it locked out the hands of kids below thirteen years of age.  

In India, this game has been recommended for barring by the National Child Rights Commission due to its extremely violent nature. In fact about 10 students have been arrested in western India for playing it. According to Navbharat Times many children have lost their mental balance by playing this game. 

Warning Signs of PUBG Addiction

The primary concern with PUBG mobile game is that it develops negative emotions which pulls down a child’s developing personality through its warring ideas. The game environment fosters fighting and other similar activities, which has a negative impact on the brain. 

So what happens if a user under the age of 13 has accesses the game? The second the screen opens, it will show a digital lock which can be operated upon only when the child has permission from a parent or guardian. 

When children start getting addicted to PUBG what happens is that they drop out of the social scene. They are not interested in talking to people anymore and furthermore, communicating in a healthy way is not present. Adding to this is the fact that the child becomes very irritable, losing interest also in studies and even eating on time. 

PUBG Addiction : A Parent Guide

With reduced physical activity due to game playing and also is the risk of obesity. Research shows that students playing PUBG continuously show low grades. Why?  It slows down ability to focus and grasp matters quickly.  There are also accounts of teenagers passing away due to intensive playing. 

Such is the hold that PUBG has on children that they forget about outdoor activities and sports which gives them health and stamina and also enhance psychological development. Instead it makes them unnecessarily aggressive and also distracts their mind, leading to poor personality development and many psychological problems.  

Parents are best advised to keep their children totally away from this particular game and have it never installed in their mobile phone. Furthermore, enrolling them into extra curricular activities and other types of similar classes will help develop the right skills, enhance their focus and improve mental concentration. 

Things to Do To Leave This Addiction

  1. Give Time To Your Children
  2. Do not leave them alone
  3. Give some reference books related to motivation, spiritual etc.
  4. Make themselves busy in developing extra curricular activities like singing, painting, yoga classes, dancing, playing guitar, tabla etc.

Train your children to play outdoor games

Rajyoga Meditation is the best practice to leave this addiction fastly, come to any Brahma Kumaris centre to start practice this meditation. Check out Guided Meditation For Healing Illness and start practice.

Nasha Mukti Bharat Abhiyan by Brahma Kumaris

Go and Spend some time to your children in holidays or morning walk.

Happy Mother's Day Quotes - Brahma Kumaris

Happy Mother's Day Quotes - Brahma Kumaris

A mother plants a flower of love within a child's heart. Let your heart gift her the fragrance of that flower.

Motherhood is unconditional loving, selfless care & endless patience.

Awaken YOUR motherly instincts. To nourish the world.

A mother is the one who nurtures, adds value to another life, and radiates love to every soul.

Your smile brightens each day just as the morning rays shines on the hills and it's with doubt that this gives us the courage to face the new day with joy.

Mothers' qualities of mercy, love & truth make them equal to God.

Taken from Dadi's book 'Wings of Soul(Brahma Kumaris)

A Mother is the one who nurtures, adds value to another life and radiates love to every soul.

Womanhood is not just about being a mother, daughter, teacher, leader it is more about the virtues of strength, kindness, tolerance, self sovereignty, patience; this makes every woman a world mother.

Only if we all emerge our motherhood one day, Paradise would come on earth to stay.

भगवान का दूसरा रूप है माँ, उनके लिए दे देंगे जां, हमको मिलता जीवन उनसे, कदमो में है स्वर्ग बसा, हमारी खुशी में खुश हो जाती, दुःख में हमारे आंसू बहाती, कितने खुशनसीब है हम, पास हमारे है माँ।

Mother is another form of God.

Would give my life for them

We get life from him,

Heaven resides at your feet,

Would have been happy in our happiness,

shed our tears in sorrow,

how lucky we are

We have mother.

Mother is the name for God in the lips & hearts of Little Children.

माँ, ओ माँ ! तेरी ठण्डी छाँ! तेरी शीतल बाँ! तेरी हाँ में हाँ, ओ माँ ! तू ले जा चाहे जहाँ, हमें दिखता आसमाँ, भूल गया जहाँ ! माँ ओ माँ ! .

Mother, oh mother!

Your cool shade!

Your cool arm!

yes in your yes

Oh mother!

wherever you want to take it,

We see the sky

The world has forgotten!

Mother oh mother! ,

Mother is the most lovable and adorable person. No love can exceed or even match the love of a mother for her child. . On the occasions of the Mother’s Day, this is the special program to give tribute to the mother of physical body and also to the mother of the soul, Almighty God Father.

Happy Mother’s Day

“My mother always told me that as you go through life, no matter what you do, or how you do it, you leave a little footprint, and that's your legacy.” – Jan Brewer

May today be filled with love - face to face, virtually, on the phone, or even just in your thoughts. 

Blessings to all mothers ❤

About Me - BK Ravi Kumar

I am an MCA, IT Professional & Blogger, Spiritualist, A Brahma Kumar at Brahmakumaris. I have been blogging here.