
Google New Alogrithm Penguin deals with Web Spam

You seems to be wondered to know about algorithm, when we want some information about any topic, what we do? We go to the goole and search for that particular stuff. There are an algorithm, pre-written instruction which is called complex algorithm and mathematical instructions which has been used by various search engines. They actully run and complete our search results.
Well, now what happening many website owner use black hat seo, something like illegal collecting visitors from the internet which was needed to be tracked. It affects the legal website owners or true white hat seo people’s business.

To overcome this google launched their PENGUIN ALGORITHM which is dealing with spammers and black hat seo, they trace the website, if any illegal thing or any spam link building found, google penalize them. Google like those which websites which follow white hat seo. visit >>>

So, the main thing is that, the website owners should use white hat seo technique, the following are things we should use to be safed from Google new Penguin Algorithm.

1. Don’t use copyright contents and images in your websites.

2. In article marketing, use only unique content not copy from others, and use high page rank article directly only.

3. Don’t spam your website link

4. Don’t create too much back links to your website in a single day.

5. Stop Spamming

6. Don’t share your website link to those websites who use Black hat seo, you may penalized from google search engine.

7. Don’t cheat your users, target the keyword according to your website niche or contents.

8. Don’t use too much keywords in your website, use only relevant keywords according to niche.

9. Try to get quality links.
So, the conslusion is that google wants to break the spam with anti-spam algorithm calledPENGUIN. The Black Hat SEO experts may have to suffer with their income and traffic, they need to re-stratize their strategy.

@Author Ravi Kumar

Tag: Google new Algorithm, penguin algorithm, effect of google new algorithm, black hat seo, white hat seo, what is black hat, what is white hat, what impacts on our website, penguin update, seo technique, how to do white hat seo, why our website is not showing in google, spammers

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About Me - BK Ravi Kumar

I am an MCA, IT Professional & Blogger, Spiritualist, A Brahma Kumar at Brahmakumaris. I have been blogging here.